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🎧 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 | 가을의 서정적 발라드 🎶 | Poetic Ballads of Autumn | Melodies That Whisper the Season | Music to Embrace Autumn’s Beauty

by Time for Music 1972 2024. 11. 18.

🎧 𝙋𝙡𝙖𝙮𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩 | 가을의 서정적 발라드 🎶 | Poetic Ballads of Autumn | Melodies That Whisper the Season | Music to Embrace Autumn’s Beauty

가을의 낭만과 감성을 가득 담은 서정적인 발라드. 쓸쓸하면서도 따스한 멜로디가 마음을 어루만지며, 계절의 깊이를 느끼게 해줍니다. 🍂🎵

Prompt :

"Emotional autumn ballad, slow tempo (60-80 BPM), piano, acoustic guitar, strings. Theme: love, loss, renewal. Structure: intro, 2 verses, chorus, bridge, outro. Mood: bittersweet, warm, nostalgic, hopeful. Imagery: autumn leaves, breezes, golden light."


Autumn Leaves


Autumn Leaves by @sublimegenerations072 | Suno

emotional, ballad, slow tempo, theme, slow, acoustic, acoustic guitar, nostalgic, piano, strings, warm song. Listen and make your own with Suno.


Autumn Leaves


Autumn Leaves by @sublimegenerations072 | Suno

emotional, ballad, slow tempo, theme, slow, acoustic, acoustic guitar, nostalgic, piano, strings, warm song. Listen and make your own with Suno.


Whispers of November


Whispers of November by @sublimegenerations072 | Suno

acoustic guitar, ballad, warm, emotional, piano, theme, slow, autumn ballad, acoustic, nostalgic, strings, slow tempo song. Listen and make your own with Suno.


Whispers of November


Whispers of November by @sublimegenerations072 | Suno

acoustic guitar, ballad, warm, emotional, piano, theme, slow, autumn ballad, acoustic, nostalgic, strings, slow tempo song. Listen and make your own with Suno.


Autumn Leaves of Love


Autumn Leaves of Love by @sublimegenerations072 | Suno

piano, emotional, warm, acoustic guitar, slow tempo, theme, slow, ballad, acoustic, strings, nostalgic song. Listen and make your own with Suno.


Autumn Leaves of Love


Autumn Leaves of Love by @sublimegenerations072 | Suno

piano, emotional, warm, acoustic guitar, slow tempo, theme, slow, ballad, acoustic, strings, nostalgic song. Listen and make your own with Suno.


Falling Leaves


Falling Leaves by @sublimegenerations072 | Suno

emotional, theme, ballad, piano, strings, slow tempo, nostalgic, acoustic guitar, acoustic, warm, slow song. Listen and make your own with Suno.


Falling Leaves


Falling Leaves by @sublimegenerations072 | Suno

emotional, theme, ballad, piano, strings, slow tempo, nostalgic, acoustic guitar, acoustic, warm, slow song. Listen and make your own with Suno.


Falling Leaves of Love


Falling Leaves of Love by @sublimegenerations072 | Suno

emotional, ballad, slow tempo, theme, slow, acoustic, acoustic guitar, nostalgic, piano, strings, warm song. Listen and make your own with Suno.


Falling Leaves of Love


Falling Leaves of Love by @sublimegenerations072 | Suno

emotional, ballad, slow tempo, theme, slow, acoustic, acoustic guitar, nostalgic, piano, strings, warm song. Listen and make your own with Suno.




#AutumnBallads #PoeticMelodies #SeasonalTunes #HeartwarmingMusic #GentleVibes #FallPlaylist #EmbraceAutumn #SoothingSounds #RomanticTunes #SeasonalMood #MelancholyMelodies #AutumnVibes #EmotionalMusic #WarmHarmonies #FallingLeavesMusic

#秋のバラード #詩的なメロディー #季節の音楽 #心温まる音楽 #穏やかな響き #秋のプレイリスト #秋を楽しむ #癒しの音楽 #ロマンチックな曲 #季節のムード #哀愁のメロディー #秋の雰囲気 #感動的な音楽 #暖かいハーモニー #落ち葉のメロディー

#가을발라드 #서정적인음악 #계절음악 #마음을따뜻하게 #부드러운선율 #가을플레이리스트 #가을감성 #위로의음악 #낭만적인노래 #계절분위기 #쓸쓸한멜로디 #가을느낌 #감성적인음악 #따뜻한화음 #낙엽멜로디
